Frontier Dialogue #7
September 28, 2021

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Digital technologies have been successful in promoting inclusive accessibility in many countries. However, inequality is still prevalent in many regions globally. In advanced economies, the current income inequality has risen to a high level over the past century. In emerging economies, while sustained economic growth has lifted hundreds of millions out of absolute poverty, the benefits of growth have not been evenly distributed and high levels of income inequality remains. Reducing inequality has become a priority for academia, industry leaders and policy makers across the world. Luohan Academy recognizes the urgency of this issue and believes digitalization, properly used, can play an essential role in promoting more equitable development. Our 7th Frontier Dialogue series features a panel of distinguished scholars who discussed in depth their own respective research and share experience on this critical topic.


Date: September 28, 2021 (Tuesday)
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Moderator: Dr. Ginger Jin (University of Maryland)

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